
So, mataroa is down. What do we do?

Firstly, panic. Run around in circles with your hands up in despair. It's important to do this, don't think this is a joke! Ok, once that's done:

1. Check Caddy

Caddy is the first point of contact inside the server from the outside world.

First ssh into server:


Caddy runs as a systemd service. Check status with:

systemctl status caddy

Exit with q. If the service is not running and is errored restart with:

systemctl restart caddy

If restart does not work, check logs:

journalctl -u caddy -r

-r is for reverse. Use -f to follow logs real time:

journalctl -u caddy -f

To search within all logs do slash and then the keyword itself, eg: /keyword-here, then hit enter.

The config for Caddy is:

cat /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

One entry is to serve anything with * host, and the second is for anything not in that domain, which is exclusively all the blogs custom domains.

The systemd config for Caddy is:

cat /etc/systemd/system/

2. Check gunicorn

After caddy receives the request, it forwards it to gunicorn. Gunicorn is what runs the mataroa Django instances, so it's named mataroa. It also runs as a systemd service.

To see status:

systemctl status mataroa

To restart:

systemctl restart mataroa

To see logs:

journalctl -u mataroa -r

and to follow them:

journalctl -u mataroa -f

The systemd config for mataroa/gunicorn is:

cat /etc/systemd/system/

Note that the env variables for production live inside the systemd service file.

3. How to hotfix code

Here's where the code lives and how to access it:

sudo -i -u deploy
cd /var/www/mataroa/
source .envrc  # load env variables for manual runs
source .venv/bin/activate  # activate venv

If you make a change in the source code files (inside /var/www/mataroa) you need to restart the service for the changes to take effect:

systemctl restart mataroa